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4 pillars in my journey to Feeling Younger Longer! 


women's self-care circuit

The Women's Self-Care Circuit is a journey through different vendor stations related to many dimensions of wellness. This empowers busy women to practice living a more balanced life so they can keep s...

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Flow Into fall - Lunch & Learn

I have partnered with 4 other Wellness providers in the area to bring this fabulous Lunch & Learn Wellness Event to the area!  Join us to learn vital health information that focuses on natural options...

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Natrual health solutions

Follow my journey

In March of 2024 I began making small changes in my daily routines.
I would like to share them with my friends in the hopes of empowering them to find true natural health options!


to do or not to do....

August 19, 2024
I have never been one to go without eating.  I have been reading more about juicing and fasting.  Juicing is just not an option for me right now BUT I do know that I need to help my body to remove some of the waste and dead cells from my body after all of my diet changes.  As we make changes the body begins to heal itself and many damaged cells die off and the body needs to shed these and other toxins.  If they are not shed they will stick around and can make the body feel pretty bad and even cause more disease.  

I like the taste of doTERRA greens, which is amazing because I have tried other greens and they were NOT good.  I was unable to stand the taste and even drink them at all.  I think that this will help and my plan is to do 16oz twice a day in place of eating my regular whole food diet.  One meal of the day will be with whole food.  When I say whole food I mean NOT processed.  No artificial ingredients.  Grains that are whole and not ultra pulverized that are void of nutrients and only raise blood sugar and cause accelerated aging.  

Keep in mind, I have made slow changes starting back in March.  I knew that doing all of this at once would never have become a long term thing for me.  I know, because I have tried before.  Making drastic changes, several at once, never worked well for me.  It wouldn't last and before long I was talking myself into going back to all of my old bad habits.  

Maybe you've been there, saying "well sugar is in everything, it's impossible to make any changes."  This is what the food industry would love for us to think because it brings us to thinking we just can't give up the processed, sugar laden, void of nutrients garbage that they produce and call food in the world.  

My goal is to make LIFE-LONG changes.  Not just temporary bandaids.  My health has changed significantly since March and I can't wait to share it all with you.  

Follow me to learn more!  

Lifestyle changes

what I decided to do....

September 3rd, 2024
Back on April 11th of this year I decided to either poo or get off the pot.  Basically I needed to change.  My body hurt all the time.  I was eating so much sugar and so much processed foods.  I kept telling myself I don't have time to cook so just grab some fast food.  Just grab a tornado at the local gas station.  Feeling tired all the time and frustrated that I felt like I couldn't get anything done.  

Oh I know I could feel better.  So I made a decision.  Radio commercials were on for the chiropractor I had seen years ago for my back traction.  This time he was advertising for a weight loss program.  Usually I don't like doing these because they are sometimes unrealistic for long term results.  Something told me to do it anyway.

So I did it.  It was more money than I felt I should have paid for this.  For one, I expect programs to be HONEST and up front with the customer, after all that is the way I run my business. Well it wasn't.  He told me it was all natural products.  They weren't by my standards.  It consisted of 2 shake mixes, one for morning with no other food and then one in afternoon between the 2 meals I should eat.  I really hate shakes.  They tasted chalky and then I realized it had artificial ingredients in it.  Right in the ingredients list.  Ugh!  I called him out on this and he really didn't think this was a big deal.  I did.  I stopped using the shakes.  

The rest of the plan was measuring food and eating only that.  No sugar, no dairy, no processed foods, No bread, pasta, rice.  Yes, I get it and I knew I had been eating far too much of the foods I now needed to avoid.  Now there was also some "drops" that I was to put under my tongue - again, some type of quick fix.  Caffeine was one ingredient.  Not real happy with it but I used them.  Maybe they helped to curb appetite but I am really not sure.  I used the MetaPWR oil and Assist which I believe did help with that.  Cause boy did I NEED it!  I was so used to overeating at every meal that I really felt hungry when I went down to 4oz of meat, 4oz of veggies and 4oz of fruit just twice a day.  Now don't go all crazy about "you must be malnourished.  I was not.  This really was all I needed.  And after a couple of weeks of some severe sugar withdrawal and finding it soooooo hard to eat outside the home I calmed down my mood and started feeling better.  At this point I was not focusing on organic, I focused on whole food.  No sauces, no butter, no cheese, just some plain spices - and even THAT was hard to find!  Do you know how many spices have sugar, dextrose, corn syrup solids, msg, corn starch or flour in them?   A LOT!

It was so hard to eat just plain veggies and salads with no dressings, dips or sauces.  But I knew that if I didn't do this I would never break the cycle.  I would never feel better.  After the first 4 weeks I had released 10 lbs.  Now before you celebrate too much realize that most of this was fluids that were locked in my body by acute inflammation.  Inflammation that began to go away after I began weeding out the sugar and chemicals out of the food and drinks I was ingesting.  All I did for drinks was water, water with some  stevia flavored electrolytes, unsweetened tea or coffee.  That was it.  I was a diet soda junkie.  After a rough breakup I am happy to announce that I have had NO soda for the last 20 weeks! The longest I have ever gone without diet soda!  

However in the last 20 weeks I have released -34.6lbs of fat - I know it's fat because my smart scale measures fat and lean muscle. As well as & -20.5"!  My pants and especially my shirts fit so much better!  Like 2 sizes smaller!  

Gimmicks never work for me.  Supplements, finally kicking sugar to the curb,, getting rid of soy (most of it in the u.s. is GMO and not good for anyone) and not eating anything with any artificial ingredients.  Have I arrived?  No not yet but am I on my way?  You BET!  

Wait til you hear about the other amazing health benefits I have noticed since I began 20 weeks ago!!